Managing your Google Analytics account can be insightful, but having sole access to several reports and little time to manage them can also feel stressful. Luckily, Google allows you to add more users to your account and control who can view, edit, and manage certain sections.  

Google Analytics is a web analytics service that tracks certain traffic and metrics on your website, like how many people visit your site, which pages they’re viewing, what devices they’re using, and where they’re visiting from. As an account owner, you have maximum control over who can view your website’s analytics and what they can do with this access. 

The steps you can take to add a user to your Google Analytics account include: 

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account and select the “Admin” option
  2. Choose your preferred level of access to grant that user
  3. Press the blue + icon and click “Add Users”
  4. Add the user’s email address and permissions level
  5. Select “Add” at the top right of the page 

As you add users to your Google Analytics account, you’ll have additional access and permission-level options available to grant them. Let’s take a deep dive into how you can add more users to your account and what each permission and access-level allows you to do. 

How To Add Users to Your Google Analytics Account

As you add users to your Google Analytics account, you’ll have additional access and permission-level options available to grant them. Let’s take a deep dive into how you can add more users to your account and what each permission and access-level allows you to do. 

Steps to Add Users To Your Analytics

Step 1: Sign in to Your Google Analytics Account and Select the “Admin” Option

Head to and sign in to your Google Analytics account with your username and password. If you have several sites on your account, select the one you’d like to grant users access to. At the bottom left corner of Google Analytics, click the Admin link.

Step 2: Choose Your Preferred Level of Access to Grant That User

The 3 columns show the Account, Property and View levels, each of which you provides a different level of access to. If you’re adding someone who you’d like to upgrade

Step 3: Press the blue + icon and click “Add Users”

Once you select your user’s access level and click “User Management”, you’ll be directed to a new window that lists users. You’ll also notice their current access levels and permissions you’ve already granted. On the top right corner, you’ll see and click the blue + icon. Select the “Add Users” option featured on the drop-down menu.

Step 4: Add the User’s Email Address and Permissions Level

A new screen will appear asking you to fill in the user’s email address, which must be associated with a Google account, so remind them to sign up for one if they haven’t already. Select the permission level you’d like to grant the user. Your options include: 

Step 5: Select “Add” at the Top Right of the Page

Once you’ve picked which permission to grant the user, find and click “Add” at the top right of the page. You’ll see a message appear saying, “Notify new users by email.” Put a checkmark in this box to have an email sent to the new user alerting them that they’ve just been granted access to your account.

Google Analytics Permissions Explained

Account, Property and View Level Meanings

Account Level Permissions

Permission to the acocunt is the highest level of access available. This gives the power to grant access levels to others and lets them view each website listed on your account. Users with account-level access can potentially add or delete websites on your Google Analytics account, so make sure this access is going to someone you trust. 

Property Level Permissions

Property level users can access your webpage’s unique tracking codes, change the remarketing audiences to target your ads to certain website visitors, and adjust your website’s property settings. 

View Level Permissions

View level permission is the lowest level of access you can provide to users. It allows users to see your website’s data and analytics, but they’re unable to make any changes to your account. View-level access keeps users informed without giving them the chance to accidentally make edits to your account without permission.

Manage Users, Edit, Collaborate, Read & Analyze Permissions in Google Analytics

Manage Users Permissions

Manage Users access provides someone with the ability to manage other account users by adding or deleting them. Users with manage-level permissions can also grant full permissions to all users for any account, property, or view access levels they have permission for. 

Edit Permissions

Edit level users create and edit properties, filters, goals, and views on this account. These users can also view and report data. 

Collaborate Permissions

Collaborate level users to create, edit, delete, and share the account’s personal assets. They can also perform all these functions on any shared account assets, including segments, custom reports, unsampled reports, and more. 

Read & Analyze Permissions

Read and analyze users have the ability to view reports and configuration data. They can also perform actions that allow them to manipulate certain data numbers within reports, like filtering tables, creating segments, and adding secondary dimensions. These users can also share, view, and create shared assets.

How to Create User Groups 

You can assign certain permission levels to a group of people within your organization, also known as a user group. The person who creates a group is officially the group owner and has the power to add new users, delete current ones, and designate others as group owners. If you have several group members and want to sort them into smaller sections, you can create subgroups to fit within larger groups. For instance, you could create a marketing group and place a content marketing subgroup inside of it.

Follow these steps to create a user group: 

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account
  2. Select the “Admin” option and choose the preferred level of access to grant your group
  3. Click on “User Management” 
  4. Press the blue + icon and select “Add User Groups” 
  5. Select “Add Group” and click the blue + icon
  6. Input the name of your group and add its description
  7. Select “Create” 
  8. Choose the permissions you’d like to grant this group and click “Add”

How to Add Users to a Group

If you’re the group owner, you can easily add extra members to your group, which grants them the same permissions as other members. After signing into your Google Analytics account, follow these steps to add a new user to a group: 

  1. Navigate to the Account, Property, or View column after clicking “Admin” 
  2. Select which access level to modify permissions for and press “User Management”
  3. Search for your desired user group at the top of your user list
  4. Press the “More” button on that group’s row and click the “View group’s organization details” option. 
  5. Click the “Members” option, followed by the blue + icon
  6. Type the email address of the user you’d like to add
  7. Confirm by selecting “Add” 
  8. Close the group panel and hit “Save”  

How to Edit or Delete Users’ Permissions or Access

If you decide you’d like to grant extra or less access to one of your users, this can be easily maneuvered using your Google Analytics account. Simply sign in and complete the following steps: 

  1. Press “Admin” and navigate to the “Account”, “Property”, or “View” column 
  2. Select which access level you’d like to modify permissions for, then hit “User Management”
  3. Type the user’s email address into the search box at the top of your user list to find the person you’re looking for
  4. Click the user’s name, then choose to either add or remove the selected permissions
  5. Hit “Save” before exiting

Do Users Need a Gmail Account to Access Google Analytics?

To access Google Analytics, you do not need a Gmail account to access. However, you must have an active Google account to use Google Analytics. When you’re adding a user to your Google Analytics account, make sure they give you the email address they used to sign up for a Google account. 

What’s Next

Now that you’re able to add users to your Google Analytics account, you can better control who can access and edit the data on your website. Let me know if I missed anything, or if you have any questions below. Thank you!